Wednesday, January 27, 2010


And boy, did I get a surprise yesterday.
I wasn't really expecting anything for my birthday. With Christmas just behind us, and all the extra expenses as a result of the freezing cold lately I sort of hoped for a book or two, and that was it.
So, when I unwrapped my present from Dermot and saw he was after getting me an (Binatone) eBook reader I was flabbercasted. I think I didn't say a word for about five minutes. Just looked at the present, at Dermot and back at the present again, not quite able to believe my eyes. But, it was really there.

Now, don't get me wrong. I don't think this device is ever going to replace paper books for me. I love holding a paper book in my hands; love the way it smells and how great my house looks with all those shelves filled with books. But... every time I go on holidays there is that dilemma. What books do I bring?
It's not just that I have to make sure I bring enough books to last the duration of my time away. I also have to bring books that will fit with whatever mood I might find myself in during the holiday. As a result I always end up with luggage a lot bigger and heavier than is good for me or my budget.
With this eBook reader though, I can bring as many books as I like, in as many genres as I can think of without ever having to worry about fitting them all into my luggage or luggage charges.
So far I've only got four titles downloaded, but I'm sure that amount will steadily grow over the next few days, as I discover all the sites where I can download them. This is definitely a story to be continued.

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